Smoking with my boyfriend

Smoking with my boyfriend. I tried to talk to him but he shut me down. When we met, I used to smoke. I've told him that I plan to quit smoking this year and he was happy for me. We've come so far from where we started. Also let him know that you want to live life with him till old age, but the smoking is causing his health to deteriorate. My sister randomly began to ask my boyfriend to get her things, shampoo, conditioner, razors, food etc. I love being a smoker. I adore my boyfriend, but he does nothing but watch TV during his off work hours. My husband wasn't a smoker when we met. For context I'm with my boyfriend 1 year so this is something I have been doing since before I met him. Tell him it's not the smoking that upset you, it's the lying. has anyone So, my super sweet kind and loving boyfriend of 5+ years has been lying to me about smoking weed. Express your concerns. I (23f) am dating my boyfriend (25m) for almost 7 months now, i've known him online since we were 13/15. He usually does, the second she asks he agrees. Addiction To Marijuana Is Growing Because marijuana is becoming a legal choice in more and more places, it’s beginning to feel for a lot of people like a harmless and acceptable choice. It's not the smoking that starts the fights, it's the lying. What foods can help you quit smoking? Jan 5, 2022 路 If you drop smoking for a partner, yes, you’ll make a positive step toward better overall health, but you’ll also be compromising a part of who you are for another person. I'm ruining my marriage through smoking weed. I won’t pretend that I’m ever okay with my partner smoking. I'm a non-smoker but him smoking around me isn't an issue for me but I genuinely am concerned about him. Your vf is a jerk indeed. Hell, he even met me while I had a cigarette in my hand. Aug 9, 2022 路 #tiktok #blacklove_ent #viral FOLLOW OUR INSTAGRAMS 馃グ Jasmine’s - https://instagram. As other commentors have pointed out, it's not the weed. He is a social smoker. We spend a lot of time together , sometimes a week or 2 straight. He should know the emotional effect it's having on you. Seek outside help. zeddy willGet:Lyrics:Excuse me!Have you seen my boyfriend?My boyfriendHave you seen my boyfriend?My boy- my boy-Have Jan 25, 2016 路 I understand how everyone feels, my fiancé smokes weed everyday about 5 times a day and I can put up with it to an extent but we just came on vacation to visit his family and he’s been smoking it every 30 min to an hour because he’s on vacation Iv hardly been able to see him, he tells me to just get over it and if I can’t he doesn’t Jun 7, 2022 路 Clearly smoking marijuana caused relationship problems for him, and there’s probably more than we know because we're not hearing her side of the story. We've been together since I was 19. I’ve never been a big smoker, weed makes me really weird. I smoke with my female friends all of the time. I want to help him but I honestly think now that nobody can change or help these kinds of people unless they acknowledge the issue, which seems near impossible. I adore my boyfriend, but don't like how he shoplifts small items frequently. I continue to be angry, upset and worried at frequent intervals. When I was young my dad smoked, but he hid his smoking. Him: That's good. But I'm not going to this time. I (30F) have been with my boyfriend (29M) for almost 4 months. I recently picked up the habit despite knowing its not good for me and i'm not only ashamed to admit I started smoking for the first time, but also that i've Im a girl, 19, dating a boy, 18. They're also a little concerned because my boyfriend is older than me (only by a year). After week I very liked smoking sometimes pleased my girlfriend to smoking with me: eek:. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I found out he was an alcoholic about 3 months in. I thought that fighting her habit would be both kind of hypocritical of me (since I was also a smoker) as well as pointless (since she'd probably find a way to steal my cigarettes anyway). I don’t want our money going towards such a toxic and gross habit. My boyfriend (27M) and I (30F) have been together almost a year. My current boyfriend and ex boyfriend where both weed addicts and I’ve seen the long term effects it has on people. I began when I was 13 and smoke a pack and a half a day of Benson and Hedges. I took few appropriate drags and felt huge pleasure my opinion about smoking changed 180 degrees. Lots of encouragement and try your best to do whatever it takes to not remind them of smoking or anything smoking related. I confronted him and he was really sad, and upset that he had hidden it from me, he thought I was going to break up with him (honestly I considered it, because I had asked him bef I adore my boyfriend, but he's gained 20 lbs in the last few months from over eating. My gf (fiancee now!) and I had a rough patch, and hit a point where we had a heart-to-heart about what we needed to change for each other's sake. Feb 18, 2024 路 My daughter started smoking pretty early, stealing cigarettes from me. Feb 4, 2024 路 In conclusion, while ‍starting smoking for a loved one may seem like a romantic gesture, it’s important to remember‍ the impact it can have on your‌ own health ‍and well-being. But you can suggest some things that may help him. So we hardly sleep together. My girlfriend is a heavy smoker, about one pack every day, and for a couple of years I would rag on her about it, especially since, when we started dating, she hid that fact from me. when were both baked, we just look at each other and we almost know exactly what one another is thinking and the feeling of connectedness is insane. Find cessation aids. She might change her mind; she might love cigars. Had to stop drinking due to diabetes, which only exacerbated my smoking. I think you've gotten great advice from other commenters here already and your feelings toward him smoking are valid. I hate eating when my food tastes smoky. Feb 10, 2024 路 Maybe smoking laws or cigarette taxes are changing in your area. No doubt I'll finish my stuff before him and he doesn't share his when mine is gone. This was really hard at first because my boyfriend used to smoke everywhere - his car, his house, outside certain places, etc. Just knowing that he has your support can make him more likely to succeed. You're most likely just insecure. My girlfriend doesn't have anything to worry about when I do. I don't smoke throughout the day. Personally, I’d hate to feel the same way about my spouse or boyfriend that I feel about my mom. It's the man. Support them through hard times. i turned to cigarettes twelve years ago when i was 14 and suffereing from real bad anxiety. Now my sister is quitting (in progressshe quit for the pregnancy and for a while after, then started again because of exactly what you describe--hanging out with her BF) So now she recognizes that her BF I helped my boyfriend stop smoking e-cigarettes earlier this year. But if you try to set that date for them, it can backfire. luckily i work as the cashier/accountant/phone answerer at a local mechanic's shop and everyone there smokes, so i can smoke freely. I have never smoked before but my boyfriend has for a very long time. You never have a "right" to be jealous. If you or someone you know is struggling with smoking, there are resources available to help you quit. Hotbox with my crush. Initially I didn’t care that he smokes pretty much all day, every day. She's upstairs I'm in my man cave and she won't let me share the bed if I smoke. I sit there smoking thinking about what I'm doing but still carry on. Apr 12, 2024 路 Exploring the impact of cannabis on relationships reveals a complex picture. Almost a month ago i tried quitting. If a close family member died from smoking-related causes, your boyfriend lighting up may resurface that trauma. I get up in the morning go to the gym before work, go to work 9-5 and then smoke in the evening. I would like to try it sometime, but I still live with my parents and they're very strict. I don’t want to raise kids around second-hand smoke. Jan 10, 2010 路 Hi ,my husband and I have been married for 7 years I’m 26 he’s 28 I remember when he started to Change he started being rude to me and I found out he was smoking weed my husband is usually caring but when he is high he is rude he’s mentally abusive I’ve cried so many times because of how he treats me when he is high he just acts Hi, I have dealt with this both with my dad and also a past boyfriend. Come up with distractions. my girlfriend of about 10 months is the first relationship i've been in where the girl actually likes getting high with me and smokes with me on a decently regular basis, and i can say it is honestly one of the best things in the world. Ask your boyfriend how he feels about these, and use this as a transition to ask about his own habits. Let him know how his smoking habit makes you feel. Aug 29, 2023 路 What Can You Do If Your Spouse Is Secretly Smoking. I don’t want to worry about my husband getting lung cancer as we grow old together. Here, we explore how casual and chronic use can shape our connections, highlighting both the positive effects on social interactions and the risks associated with heavy use. Smoking has basically controlled my anxiety for me too. But in the past, yes I have lied about my smoking. Throughout her teens I allowed her to smoke and even provided cigarettes to her. Or perhaps an ex of yours who smoked caused you pain. . After months of no success, he finally relented. Feb 17, 2024 路 Read Also: Why Does My Boyfriend Kiss My Neck? 7. Demanding someone quit all at once, cold turkey, is one thing, but pushing a smoker to agree to an imposed date likely won't work. Im a non-smoker (25F) and have been dating a smoker (25M) who has been smoking for the past 4 years. the way i look at it, everything has risks, and smoking is the only thing that works for me. So I (25f) and my boyfriend (32m) have been together not quite 2 years and have lived together for about 5 months. I probably am, but I'm not forcing this on my boyfriend. So talk to your boyfriend. I first met him in January of 2022. What to do if your boyfriend doesn’t want to stop smoking? Help Your Partner Quit Smoking. I have been a smoker for a decade now and he knew that from the beginning of our relationship. I have broken promises because the addiction was stronger than I was. I [23 F] started living with my boyfriend [25 M] of 6 years recently and I realised that he's addicted to cigarette smoking. You are delving into your emotions. At the beginning of our relationship, I would constantly express my disapproval of his extensive marijuana use My boyfriend (33M) and I (30F) have been dating for 6 months. Now the issue is, he's a rather heavy smoker (in my opinion) and my lungs have never been the best. I don't want to let my parents down, but I also feel like I might want to try smoking with my boyfriend. I always knew he smoked but never realised that it'd be 7-8 in a day. I have lied to her in the past. Archived post. Today, a few minutes ago actually she asked if he wanted to go smoke with her. tl;dr: I've never smoked and idk about anything I've been smoking for about 5/6 years now and I find it really helps with my anxiety/depression. His parents and sisters are all heavy smokers and even he will have the occasional smoke once in a while (when we're out at night at bar/club he might have one, or even smoke through full whole packs when on vacation). No matter how many times I tell myself that I could be the "cool girlfriend" who doesn't restrict her boyfriend's smoking habits, it certainly has started bothering me. He's expressed to me millions of times he wants me over his nicotine and wants me to keep helping him quit. He started to call me multiple times on the phone, emotional, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. Unfortunately no advice to give because hey hey I'm in same boat 馃槙 Hi, I (23f) have been dating my boyfriend (24m) for 3 years next month. Prepare for withdrawal symptoms. We've been going out for almost a month so far and I've started realizing that I don't know how to deal with his smoking habits. Both me and my boyfriend managed to stop smoking when the pandemic hit, first of all because we got quite scared of the possible complications of getting the virus + being smokers, but I think going out jogging made the difference, in fact we started jogging in the woods and eating healthy nutritious fresh salads/raw food etc. Understanding the challenges and perceptions surrounding dating a smoker can help individuals make informed decisions about their relationships. Smelling that cigarette smoke and seeing the habit in action again brings up difficult memories. Sep 1, 2024 路 Don't just start to lecture him on the health risk of smoking; he most probably knows them already. I really want to help him stop smoking — what can I do? For you to help your boyfriend quit smoking, he has to want to quit. It could lead to even more cigar smoking. You also deserve to distance yourself from someone who is smoking if you choose to do so. I don't smoke, but my boyfriend does. Now I have addiction, yesterday I bought my own pack and smoking alone in work. com/blacklove_ent?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= BLE - https://instagram. 1. Sep 28, 2015 路 My boyfriend used weed to mitigate his depression, and I used him to relieve mine. We’ve had some issues in the past with him vaping and hiding it from me this past year (I don’t like it and he knows it, I’m very anti-smoking). After we got married, I thought it would be nice if he could share smokes with me, so I started coaxing him to try it. About a year ago I found out at a party from a stranger that my boyfriend has been smoking weed occasionally. They have done a very good job of avoiding exposing him to smoking. It’s Linked to Past Pain. She'd tell me that I didn't understand how tough it is to quit and I'd counter that if she really wanted to quit she would. everyday. Apr 19, 2019 路 In my consultation sessions and workshops, the two most common questions I’m asked by couples therapists are about cannabis use: “As a clinician, when should I be concerned about marijuana use?” and “How do I deal with a couple when one partner is concerned about their partner’s marijuana use?” When a smoker sets a date to quit, it can sometimes be effective. You: I read in an article today that the city is banning smoking in restaurants. Ask your boyfriend why you're never invited, if it bothers you. Boyfriend Smoking is a portent for purity, innocence, vulnerability, tenderness and the desire for love. com/ble TLDR: I want my bf to stop smoking for his health and attractiveness but I feel like an asshole for feeling that way. Sometimes spouses have an aversion to cigar smoking simply because they’re excluded. The thing is I know it yet I'm in total self destruct mode. ScarLip - have you seen my boyfriend ft. I’ve caught him multiple times, even when he’s told me he doesn’t do it. May 24, 2021 路 5 Ways I Cope When My Partner Smokes. I was alot like your bf, and not very long ago. Encourage them. We all need time with our pals, but don’t be afraid to invite your wife. Because nicotine is addictive, quitting can be hard. While smoking is a personal choice, it can have significant implications for a relationship, particularly if one partner is a smoker and the other is not. I didn't mention it in my post but my boyfriend used to be going down a really bad and dangerous path before we met. I used to enjoy smoking with my partner but now it's not the same anymore. My sister and her boyfriend were both smokers and my nephew is now 2. I adore my boyfriend, but he watches porn when I'm right there waiting for him in bed. I feel like a fool, because I wasn't able to understand her. Sep 10, 2021 路 Get your wife to smoke a cigar with you. And like smoking TL;dr: For years my boyfriend agreed that he would never smoke anything or risk breaking up, I caught him in a lie, he's been using a vape for months and now I am struggling to find the next step. There are many forces working against you. I personally do not like smoking but I don’t stop my boyfriend from doing it as I am aware that its not easy to get rid of the habit. AGAIN馃崈 *Reunited after 2 months* + Lit Hotbox playlistHope y'all enjoyed the video! Like, comment & SUBSCRIBE 馃挄Join the community馃挆 Got my Husband to start smoking. But we’ve been together a long time, and I’ve come up with my own coping mechanisms, just so I don’t blow a fuse every time he lights up. sogrdto vjvph vaebu cgjor ixfjfl hakqe kmwqrdt yvdpn ekok ogagre